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Open the Valve:  Stop Destroying Cheyenne Creek Ecosystem & Increasing Fire Hazard Concerns

Residents and visitors, alike, to North Cheyenne Canon Park have been expressing concern about the drying up of Cheyenne Creek in the center island parking and picnic area. (See below photos)  What people do not realize is that this can be fixed easily and quickly.  Residents first started noticing the creek drying after the re-opening of 7-Falls.  After further investigating the water consumption due to the dramatic increase in visitors and expanded restaurant operations at 7-Falls, residents learned that there are 3 wells on the property.  One of those wells, the one of the most capacity, is adjacent to the creek and has not been upgraded to current state standards (it's grandfathered) which mandate the perforations in piping cannot begin until much deeper into the ground.  The reason this standard was implemented is because if the pipe perforations are too close to the ground surface level, water will be pulled from creeks/waterways instead of underground aquifers which is what wells from which wells are designed to pull.  In addition to the concerns for the HALF MILE of eco-system along the creek that is being destroyed, the fire hazard that creates is an added concern.  The center island parking area is surrounded by picnic tables where park visitors routinely visit.  Sometimes these gatherings include alcoholic beverages and cooking.  There is concern that these factors dramatically increase risks of starting a fire.  The good news is that it can be fixed easily and quickly.  There is a valve that Colorado Springs Utilities can open to allow more water to flow into the center island.  The Colorado Springs Utilities is governed by Colorado Springs City Council.  Please take moment to email City Council ( and ask them to open the valve and restore water to the half mile creek in the center island of North Cheyenne Canyon Parking lot and Picnic area.  Sample email provide below photos:



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Mesa & South Cheyenne Loop looking towards 7-Falls

Mesa & South Cheyenne Loop looking towards picnic/parking area - half mile of this.


Evans bridge looking at where the creeks converge.  One flowing (north side/left) and one dry as a bone (south side/right)

Dear City Council,


Please Open the Valve to the Cheyenne Creek that flows from Broadmoor's 7-Falls into the North Cheyenne Canyon Park picnic area and parking lot.  This ecosystem is being destroyed across this HALF-MILE length of creek land is which is surrounded by picnic'ers and hikers.  Frequently, these gatherings involve cooking and alcohol which dramatically increases the risks of accidental fires.  The withholding of this water for the last year is causing great damage and, now, increased fire risks which can be easily mitigated.  The reservoir is plenty full due to the diverting of water for the last year.


City Council governs Colorado Springs Utilities who can open the valve easily and quickly.  Please remedy this dangerous situation immediately.  Thank you.


Concerned citizen,



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